Horses done, the mighty and the great, to be the best to show over time. Horse and pony shows, after life, the best and the great, glory days done, back to the barn.A humble person is not proud and does not believe that they are better than other people.Make sure to catch this boat before it sails...
A humble person is not proud and does not believe that they are better than other people.Make sure to catch this boat before it sails...‘THE EMPIRE OF LIES’ Spruce Power, Solar Panels, In California. PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS. Excuses and assholes things in common, sheep and goats, horses and jackasses,under the layers, under the skin, under the stars, rocks to roll, gems to love.Roots, Superman, Up in Smoke , movies on 1978. Dawgs, Donkeys To Date, Faces Of Frogs, Snakes And Worms. Coins To Pay. Glory Dazes To Come:
The Doctor is in the house! RAZZLE DAZZLE! 2022.'Saints and Sinners.Crow, LAKOTA .I get it, change is difficult. But I'm sure you've probably heard me share this before... "If you do today what you did yesterday, tomorrow will look the same as it does today. Original of you.PEOPLE WILL GET MAD AT YOU FOR SPEAKING THE TRUTH RATHER THAN BEING MAD ,AT THE PEOPLE WHO LIED TO THEM'.
After our experience with Covid, do we really think those in power will acknowledge and act on climate change?Or…Will they just continue to act in their own short-term self-interests?

We are here.Because of you, I love little harder, cry a little less, and smile a lot more. There are only two days in a year that nothing can be done.
Knights, Sunny, Bright, Witty, Retired. Seeking A Spark of Intelligence, Stability, and Humor .. Horses done, the mighty and the great, to be the best to show over time. Horse and pony shows, after life, the best and the great, glory days done, back to the barn.Roots, Superman, Up in Smoke , movies on 1978. Dawgs, Donkeys To Date, Faces Of Frogs, Snakes And Worms. Coins To Pay. Glory Dazes To Come:
‘THE EMPIRE OF LIES’ Spruce Power, Solar Panels, In California. PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS. Excuses and assholes things in common, sheep and goats, horses and jackasses,under the layers, under the skin, under the stars, rocks to roll, gems to love.Roots, Superman, Up in Smoke , movies on 1978. Dawgs, Donkeys To Date, Faces Of Frogs, Snakes And Worms. Coins To Pay. Glory Dazes To Come:
A humble person is not proud and does not believe that they are better than other people.Make sure to catch this boat before it sails...‘THE EMPIRE OF LIES’ Spruce Power, Solar Panels, In California. PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS. Excuses and assholes things in common, sheep and goats, horses and jackasses,under the layers, under the skin, under the stars, rocks to roll, gems to love.
Just Saying. Fairies, Hands, and hearts to guide. Rotten Tomatoes: Princesses, pumpkins, animals, objects, etc... "Don't allow missed opportunities of the past interfere with the opportunities that are right before you.Breaking the Silence :To Understand Normal Thinking!YOUR TRIBE. Roots, Superman, Up in Smoke , movies on 1978. Dawgs, Donkeys To Date, Faces Of Frogs, Snakes And Worms. Coins To Pay. Glory Dazes To Come:
A humble person is not proud and does not believe that they are better than other people.Make sure to catch this boat before it sails...‘THE EMPIRE OF LIES’ Spruce Power, Solar Panels, In California. PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS. Excuses and assholes things in common, sheep and goats, horses and jackasses,under the layers, under the skin, under the stars, rocks to roll, gems to love.Roots, Superman, Up in Smoke , movies on 1978. Dawgs, Donkeys To Date, Faces Of Frogs, Snakes And Worms. Coins To Pay. Glory Dazes To Come:
Knights, Sunny, Bright, Witty, Retired. Seeking A Spark of Intelligence, Stability, and Humor .. Horses done, the mighty and the great, to be the best to show over time. Horse and pony shows, after life, the best and the great, glory days done, back to the barn.
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